Technical and quality requirements according to the nuclear power plant engineering and equipment regulations



On 3 October 2023, the Łukasiewicz Upper Silesian Institute of Technology in Gliwice held a training course to exchange experience and knowledge in the field of nuclear power, focusing on its safety, security and technical requirements. The training course meeting was opened by the Director of Łukasiewicz GIT, Professor Adam Mikołaj Zieliński, Ph.D., and the Director of the Materials Research Centre, Hanna Purzyńska, Ph.D.

The main objective of the training course was to identify opportunities and domains for cooperation between the Łukasiewicz Research Network Institutes in the nuclear power sector. The meeting was attended by representatives and experts from the Łukasiewicz Institutes who are committed to Polish nuclear power.
The training was delivered by Jerzy Nogaj, Ph.D., an expert in nuclear power and author of many guidelines and requirements for nuclear power plant construction engineering. The safety of an NPP operation was addressed along with the regulatory issues concerning NPP equipment and construction.

The detailed subjects of the training course included:

  • construction of PWR, BWR and HPWR nuclear power plants, their operating principles and basic structural and processing components;
  • general characteristics of SMR (small modular reactor) power plants;
  • nuclear safety culture and security;
  • the implementation of nuclear safety culture and security requirements in the design of nuclear power plants by individual NPP technology providers, including Westinghouse, EDF and KHNP;
  • nuclear power regulations dependent on the U.S. ASME and French AFCEN safety classification;
  • nuclear power quality assurance systems according to ISO 19443 and NQA-1 standards;
  • areas/directions of operation of Łukasiewicz Research Network units in the nuclear power industry.

On the part of Łukasiewicz IEL, the training course was attended by the Institute’s Deputy Director for Research  Marcin Parchomiuk, Ph.D. and the Head of the Materials Manufacturing Technology Research Group, Krzysztof Kogut, Ph.D. who actively participated in discussions concerning the feasibility of applying the research potential of Łukasiewicz IEL in areas relevant to NPP construction and cooperation with PAA (National Atomic Energy Agency of Poland).
Participants received certificates of training.


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