Calibration Laboratory (LBW)
The laboratory performs calibration of measuring instruments in the field of electrical metrology (voltmeters, ammeters, multimeters, resistance meters, calibrators, high-voltage instruments) and photometric metrology (lux meters, lamp flux and luminosity standards).
About us

Basic laboratory equipment
A range of calibrated products:
- shunts
- resistance thermometer sensors
- voltage dividers
- calibrators
- resistance calibrators
- kilovolt meters
- lux meters
- clamp meters
- analogue voltage meters
- digital voltage meters
- grid performance meters
- analogue current meters
- multimeters
- digital current meters
- analogue resistance meters
- digital resistance meters
- short circuit loop impedance meters
- temperature transmitters (incorporating temperature sensors)
- adjustable resistors
- fixed resistors
- measuring probes
- luminous flux masters
- directional luminous intensity masters
- power supplies
- negatoscopes
Scope of calibration
Under AP 102 accreditation, calibrations are carried out in the following areas:
- DC voltage (7.01) and DC current (7.02),
- AC voltage (7.03) and AC current (7.04),
- DC resistance (7.05) and AC resistance (7.06),
- High voltage and current (7.14),
- Lighting intensity (16.06),
We offer these services in our facility (S) and outside (P).
Testing Centre Director, Area Leader
Andrzej Kober, M.Sc.Eng.