Electrical Equipment Testing Laboratory (LUE)
The laboratory tests electrical and photometric equipment and performs measurements in the fields of spectroradiometry, energy efficiency of light sources and lighting equipment and lighting parameters. It carries out tests on office, computer and general-purpose equipment, as well as light sources and other low-voltage electrical equipment and appliances. The Electrical Equipment Testing Laboratory has the equipment to carry out tests and measurements on electrical equipment and systems with regard to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
About us

The range of products tested:
- filament and halogen bulbs for domestic use
- lamps (sodium, metal halide, mercury discharge, self-ballasted)
- fluorescent lamps
- luminaires, including road and street luminaires
- lamp equipment (ignition, control, ballasts, converters, inverters)
- extension cords
- sockets and plugs
- plug-in splitters
- electric toys
- roadside information signs
- electrical domestic appliances (skin irradiation devices, battery chargers, insect killers, liquid heaters, hoods, refrigeration appliances, amusement devices)
- medical electrical equipment and systems (surgical lamps and fixtures, neonatal phototherapy equipment)
- lighting projectors
- diagnostics for the illumination of rooms, passageways in rooms and buildings, workplaces, rail vehicle illumination in public transport systems
- LV electrical machinery and equipment
- computer and office equipment
- kitchen equipment
- light sources
- optical materials
Scope of tests
The AB 022 accreditation certificate permits for testing in the areas listed below:
- Sound testing of electrical products and equipment, toys, electronic products and equipment
- Electrical testing of electrical products and equipment, medical equipment, optical products, toys, electronic products and equipment
- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing of electrical products and equipment, machinery and appliances, medical equipment, toys, electronic products and equipment
- Fire testing of electrical products and equipment, medical equipment, plastic products, electronic products and equipment
- Mechanical testing of electrical products and equipment, medical equipment, optical equipment, toys, electronic products and equipment
- Testing of the physical properties of electrical products and equipment, medical equipment, building structures, optical equipment, toys, electronic products and equipment
Scope of EMC testing:
- continuous conducted emission 9 kHz to 30 MHz
- disturbance power 30 MHz to 300 MHz
- voltage fluctuations and flicker
- current harmonic analysis up to 39th harmonic
- radiated electromagnetic disturbance from lighting equipment in the 9 kHz to 30 MHz band
- immunity to electrostatic discharge (ESD) contact and in air up to ±30 kV
- immunity to electrical fast transient/burst
- immunity to surges up to 15 kV
- immunity to conducted radio frequency induced disturbances
- immunity to mains frequency magnetic fields
- immunity to pulsed magnetic fields
- immunity to asymmetric conducted disturbances from 0 Hz to 150 kHz
- immunity to damped oscillation waves
- immunity to low-frequency disturbances
- immunity to voltage fluctuations, voltage changes, blackouts and short power failures
- immunity to the presence of a variable component in the fixed supply voltage
- immunity to mains frequency variation.
Testing Centre Director, Area Leader
Andrzej Kobe, M.Sc.Eng.