Our areas of activity include the development of innovative materials and technology dedicated to the electrotechnical industry, with the main focus on the recycling of electrotechnical materials, modern composite and ceramic materials, as well as hydrogen technologies.
Composite materials and recycling
- Composite and polymer technology
- Recycling and the circular economy
- Ageing and fatigue tests
- Microscopic examination
- Prototyping in 3D printing
- Consultancy, expert services, technology support
- Small batch production and technology services

Materials manufacturing technology
- Modern ceramic materials
- High voltage engineering
- Biomimetics
- Recycling of fibre materials
- Electrical insulating varnishes/coatings
- Wires and cables
- Accredited testing of ceramic and glass materials and low and medium voltage ceramic insulators
- Accredited testing of electrotechnical materials

New materials for hydrogen technologies
- Composite materials in compressed hydrogen tanks
- Materials in electrolysers
- Hydrogen equipment
- Modelling of heterogeneous materials and structures
- Numerical modelling of processes and phenomena
- Strength assessments
New materials for energy generation and storage technology
- Modelling of functional materials
- Numerical analyses of energy storage processes
Materials manufacturing technology
- Modern ceramic materials
- High voltage engineering
- Biomimetics
- Recycling of fibre materials
- Electrical insulating varnishes/coatings
- Wires and cables
- Accredited testing of ceramic and glass materials and low and medium voltage ceramic insulators
- Accredited testing of electrotechnical materials
Testing Laboratory for Electrotechnical Materials
- testing of cables and winding wires
- testing the mechanical properties of metals
- testing the electrical properties of electrical insulating materials
- electrical strength testing of electrotechnical products (coatings and insulation)
- resistance testing of electrotechnical products
- testing flammability of plastics
- testing flammability of electrical insulating materials
- testing flammability of electrical insulating materials
- testing of flammability categories of electrical insulating materials
- testing resistance to environment – climatic tests
- insolation resistance test
- testing of protective electrical insulation equipment
- testing the properties of ceramic and glass materials
- testing of composite insulators
- testing of polymeric insulators
- testing of ceramic insulators for overhead lines
- testing of low-voltage ceramic insulators
- testing of non-directional surge arresters