Testing Laboratory for Energy Conversion and Storage

About us
The Laboratory’s equipment enables tests to be carried out on high-power power electronic converter systems. Power electronic converters used in the commercial power industry can be tested.
The Laboratory performs tests on equipment installed in traction substations for the power supply of vehicles and equipment for railway, tramway, trolleybus and metro traction. The Laboratory conducts tests of traction rectifiers and solid-state power devices. Tests are carried out on power electronic converters used in the commercial power industry, in particular, frequency converters, drives, power compensators, grid couplers and other devices that convert or store electric energy. The Laboratory also offers the possibility of hiring the infrastructure with staff. The Laboratory staff provide research and development support to companies in various fields of electrical engineering.
Tests performed
The laboratory performs tests of the following equipment:
- traction rectifiers,
- power semiconductor devices,
- inverters,
- drives, power compensators,
- power electronic network couplings,
- other electricity-converting or storing devices,
- static converters
Equipment owned:
- 2.5 MVA transformer
- 630 kVA autotransformer
- 2.5 MVA resistor
- 4.5 tonne crane
- oscilloscopes with probes (current and voltage)
- multimeters and measurement recorders